martes, 26 de junio de 2018

5 steps to analyzing a poem

Messy Room

1.- what is the subject of the poem?
a joung man who has his room very messy

Resultado de imagen para joven desordenado

2.- Why has the poet written the poem?
because he is observing how messy his room is

Resultado de imagen para joven desordenado

What is he trying to say?
he is trying to say is that we should be more orderly with our room and try not be disordered

Resultado de imagen para mama retando a hijo

3.- What is the mood or atmosphere of the poem?
the mood of the protagonist is carefree

Resultado de imagen para joven desordenado

4.- What is the impact of the poem on the reader?
the impact to the reader is stop being disordered and how bad a person looks when they see that their room is completely messy

Resultado de imagen para joven desordenado

5.- How do you feel about the poem?
the poem makes me feel that I must be orderly and careful in all my things

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