lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

A Bible Story

David and Goliat

Goliath, a giant soldier, and challenged an Israelite to come out and fight him. Everyone was frightened, but David convinced Saul to let him go. He took his shepherd's crook; He put five pebbles of the torrent in the bag and, with the sling in his hand, went out to meet Goliath. When he was a good distance away, he put a pebble in the sling; a whiplash crackled in the air and Goliath fell limp. I had hit him in the forehead.
David mata a Goliat

Haiku Poem- By Nicolas Barra R

Wonderful World 

 in the morning light

 the glistening dew on plants

 looks like a rainbow 

Resultado de imagen para mundo maravilloso arcoiris 


 3.- Write what a haiku poem is in english 

Haiku is a type of Japanese poetry. It consists of a short poem, of seventeen syllables, formed, according to the norm, by three verses of five, seven and five syllables respectively.

4.- Write 2 haiku poems using these topics 

I.- Flowers:  

To see the flowers I have come,

under them I will sleep

without feeling the time.

II.- Water 

water music

 silently observed

 Light in the nothingness

Video About "The Pearl"

1.- did you understand the video?
  A little Bit

2.- What does the video say about greed?
   When coyotito was a place to ask for more money by Pearl 

3.- What are the disadvantages of being poor and unaducated acording to the video? 
   the disadvantages of being poor according to the book would be that one could not pay a something   in an emergency 

4.- Write 3 ideas of why it is very important to have an education 
   I.- first the education does not make you illiterate 
  II.- makes you an educated person 
 III.-  know upon more things unknown

One Book That I Like

One book that I like very much is 20000 legues under the sea by Julio Verne
Resultado de imagen

 Julio Verne
Resultado de imagen para julio verne

Julio Verne, born in 1828 in Nantes, France. He is a writer of French worldwide considered founder of modern science and fiction literature.Born into a bourgeois family in the port city of Nantes, Verne studied to continue in his father's footsteps as a lawyer, but when he was very young he decided to abandon that path to dedicate himself to writing.

Summary of the book:

The story begins with an expedition aboard an American navy vessel: the Abraham Lincoln, commanded by Admiral Farragut, who seeks to hunt down a strange cetacean, with a long and sharp horn in the snout , which had caused damage to various boats. During the expedition, the protagonists are thrown over the side of the ship as a result of an onslaught of the animal.

Professor Aronnax and his companion Conseil are rescued by the Canadian harpooner Ned Land who also fell into the water with them, after the impact of the creature, and the three manage to swim to a safe place. Once safe, they discover that they are not really on an island, but on a metal structure: a submarine afloat whose interior they access through a hatch, carried by eight masked men

 Inside the mysterious artifact known to Captain Nemo, It will show all the ship, the Nautilus, and gives them notable explanations on its engineering. . The captain informs them of that, to have known your existence, you can not let them return to the surface.

Resultado de imagen para navio de guerra estadounidenseResultado de imagen para submarino

Insi Principal Characters:
 Resultado de imagen para 20000 leguas de viaje submarino personajesResultado de imagen para 20000 leguas de viaje submarino personajesResultado de imagen para 20000 leguas de viaje submarino personajesResultado de imagen para 20000 leguas de viaje submarino personajes



Resultado de imagen para atlantida

The mediterranean sea

 Resultado de imagen para el mediterraneo

   Moral Of the Story: 

1.- dive in the depths of the ocean so they can see the beauty of that place
2.- Be cautious with what you wish for.
3.- Have Patience

My Opinion.

 1.-Did you like the book? Why?
This book is one of my favorites because with faith the nautilus prisoners escaped from the "underwater prison" that had them kidnapped the main characters of the book, in addition to the adventures they face inside the submarine

2.-What was your favorite part of the book?
my favorite chapter is the so-called "Invitation Letter" because it is when the main characters are invited by Captain Nemo to dive in the depths of the ocean so they can see the beauty of that place

Unit 4 literature

I.- write a brief definition for literature

Literature is the art in which a person expresses himself through words through a book

II.- write the names of two chilean writers. incluide two pictures

Pablo Neruda
Resultado de imagen para pablo neruda

Gabriela Mistral                            
Resultado de imagen para gabriela mistral

III.- write the names of two english writers. incluide two pictures

-Charles Dickens 

-Geoffrey Chaucer 

IV.- write a vocabulary list of 15 word related to literature

1.- Book- Libro
2.- Imagination- Imaginacion
3.- Word- Palabras
4.- Poem- Poema
5.- Library- Biblioteca
6.- Read- Leer
7.- Art- Arte
8.- Grammar- Gramatica 
9.- Fantasy- Fantasia
10.- Pleasure- Placer
11.- Spelling- Ortografia
12.- Trial- Ensayo
13.- Tale- Cuento
14.- Novel- Novela
15.- Dialogue- Dialogo

martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Videos About Health

Activity I.-  Write 7 tips to be healthy presented in the video

1.- Take a milkshake with vegetables

2.- Drink a lot of water

3.- Drink tea or purified water

4.- Take time for yourself

5.- Plan your workout the night before and put your clothes on your bed

6.- Sleep well during the nigh

7.- Do something you really enjoy

Activity II.-  Answer this questions about the recipe

1.- What is the name of the recipe? 

2.- What are the ingredients?
    II.- Tomato
    III.- Lime
    IV.- Jalapeño Pepper
    V.- Garlic
    VI.- Green Pepper
    VII.- 1/4 Purple Onion

3.-White the steps to make a fresh salsa
I.- this is cilantro- Now Chop it up. and pit in the blender
II.-This is the garlic- Now chop it. And pit in the blender
III.-This is the green pepper- cut it, slice it. and chop it And pit in the blenser
IV.-This is the jalapeño pepper- now slice it .and put in the blander
V.- This is the onion- Now chop it. And put in the blander
VI.-This is the Tomato- now chop it. and put in the blader
VII.-This is the lime, now cit it into wedges. squeeze the lime into the salsa
Add some black pepper and some salt for he  blend it up

Health Vocabulary

Health: I have good health, always like fruits and practice sports
Resultado de imagen para comer frutasResultado de imagen para practicar deporte

Medicine: I take medicine when I'm sick 

Resultado de imagen para tomando medicina

Wound: I go to the hospital when I have a very serious wound

Resultado de imagen para wound

Nurse: In the hospital there are nurses and doctors

Resultado de imagen para enfermera

Injerctions: My sister is afraid of injections

Resultado de imagen para miedo a las inyecciones

Prescription: I got a prescription for my illness

Resultado de imagen para receta medica dando a mama

Vaccine: Younger children don't like the vaccine

 Resultado de imagen para niños chicos con miedo a vacunas

Painful: Breaking a leg is very painful

Resultado de imagen para pierna rota

Doctor: There are many doctors in the hospital

Resultado de imagen para doctor

Blood: Vampires like blood

Resultado de imagen para vampiros

Bandages: You need bandages to protect your wound

Resultado de imagen para vendas

Plaster: My uncle has plaster on his leg because he had a bone fracture

Resultado de imagen para yeso en pierna

Crutch: The crutch serves to prevent you from falling

Resultado de imagen para muleta

WheelChairs: The handicapped use wheelchairs to move

Imagen relacionada

Pill: My grandpa takes his pills every day

Resultado de imagen para abuelo tomando pildoras

Hepatitis: Hepatitis is a liver disease

Resultado de imagen para hepatitis

Flu: They were already dead because of the flu

Resultado de imagen para gripe

Asthma: I bet you know a lot of people with asthma.

Resultado de imagen para asma

Chickenpox: They are the last survivors of a community annihilated by chickenpox.

Resultado de imagen para varicela

Hearth attack: The terrible news provoked a heart attack

Resultado de imagen para infarto

miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2017

Alonso In The Hospital

One day Alonso played with his bike on the street even though his mom told him to put on a helmet to protect himself, but Alonso listened to his mother. Alonso was going down the street when suddenly a very fast car ran over him. The driver of the car was so fast from the place I left Alonso lying on the street. But a person quickly goes to him and rescues him, calls an ambulance and takes him to the nearest hospital. Alonso when he gets to the hospital he sees his mother crying waiting His son, Alonso could not be worth it and asked his mother for forgiveness for ignoring him when he told him to put on a helmet. After a couple of weeks Alonso miraculously recovers the accident and happily returns mother and child to his home 

Resultado de imagen para a sick person

martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

Give Advice

A) Bad Cold: sleep a lot and eat vegetables

Resultado de imagen para comer vegetales

B) A headache: take aspirins

Resultado de imagen para tomar paracetamol

C) A stomachache: drink mint tea

Resultado de imagen para que hacer con dolor de estomago

D) a Fever: to drink hot lemonade

Resultado de imagen para tomar limonada

E) A toothache: take a ginger bath

Resultado de imagen para baño con jengibre

F) A broken leg: Go to the hospital

Resultado de imagen para ambulancia llevando herido

Unit 3: Health

Explain the image

the image represents the healthy things that a person can do. Riding a bicycle, eating fruits and vegetables

Activity 2

 -1 Corinthians 6:19: 19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which you have from God, and you are not your own?

-1 Corinthians 3:16, 17 Do you not know that you are a sanctuary of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If any man destroy the sanctuary of God, God will destroy him; for the sanctuary of God, which you are, is holy. 

Activity 3 

run every day

Resultado de imagen para 10 cosas que puedo hacer si tengo buena salud

eat healthy food

Resultado de imagen para 10 cosas que puedo hacer si tengo buena salud

practice exercise

Resultado de imagen para 10 cosas que puedo hacer si tengo buena salud

No Smoking

Resultado de imagen para no fumar

practice cycling

Imagen relacionada

do not drink beer

Resultado de imagen para no tomar bebidas alcoholicas para colorear

eat salads

Resultado de imagen para comer ensaladas

do not ingest drugs

Resultado de imagen para no ingerir drogas

sleeping 8 hours a week

Resultado de imagen para dormir

to practice many sports

Resultado de imagen para deportes

Post 3,4, 5 and 6

3)  Physical Characteristics                       The giant :    the giant was a very big man                 The Special kid : ...