martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Videos About Health

Activity I.-  Write 7 tips to be healthy presented in the video

1.- Take a milkshake with vegetables

2.- Drink a lot of water

3.- Drink tea or purified water

4.- Take time for yourself

5.- Plan your workout the night before and put your clothes on your bed

6.- Sleep well during the nigh

7.- Do something you really enjoy

Activity II.-  Answer this questions about the recipe

1.- What is the name of the recipe? 

2.- What are the ingredients?
    II.- Tomato
    III.- Lime
    IV.- Jalapeño Pepper
    V.- Garlic
    VI.- Green Pepper
    VII.- 1/4 Purple Onion

3.-White the steps to make a fresh salsa
I.- this is cilantro- Now Chop it up. and pit in the blender
II.-This is the garlic- Now chop it. And pit in the blender
III.-This is the green pepper- cut it, slice it. and chop it And pit in the blenser
IV.-This is the jalapeño pepper- now slice it .and put in the blander
V.- This is the onion- Now chop it. And put in the blander
VI.-This is the Tomato- now chop it. and put in the blader
VII.-This is the lime, now cit it into wedges. squeeze the lime into the salsa
Add some black pepper and some salt for he  blend it up

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3)  Physical Characteristics                       The giant :    the giant was a very big man                 The Special kid : ...