Health: I have good health, always like fruits and practice sports
Medicine: I take medicine when I'm sick
Wound: I go to the hospital when I have a very serious wound
Nurse: In the hospital there are nurses and doctors
Injerctions: My sister is afraid of injections
Prescription: I got a prescription for my illness
Vaccine: Younger children don't like the vaccine
Painful: Breaking a leg is very painful
Doctor: There are many doctors in the hospital
Blood: Vampires like blood
Bandages: You need bandages to protect your wound
Plaster: My uncle has plaster on his leg because he had a bone fracture
Crutch: The crutch serves to prevent you from falling
WheelChairs: The handicapped use wheelchairs to move
Pill: My grandpa takes his pills every day
Hepatitis: Hepatitis is a liver disease
Flu: They were already dead because of the flu
Asthma: I bet you know a lot of people with asthma.
Chickenpox: They are the last survivors of a community annihilated by chickenpox.
Hearth attack: The terrible news provoked a heart attack
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