martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Videos About Health

Activity I.-  Write 7 tips to be healthy presented in the video

1.- Take a milkshake with vegetables

2.- Drink a lot of water

3.- Drink tea or purified water

4.- Take time for yourself

5.- Plan your workout the night before and put your clothes on your bed

6.- Sleep well during the nigh

7.- Do something you really enjoy

Activity II.-  Answer this questions about the recipe

1.- What is the name of the recipe? 

2.- What are the ingredients?
    II.- Tomato
    III.- Lime
    IV.- Jalapeño Pepper
    V.- Garlic
    VI.- Green Pepper
    VII.- 1/4 Purple Onion

3.-White the steps to make a fresh salsa
I.- this is cilantro- Now Chop it up. and pit in the blender
II.-This is the garlic- Now chop it. And pit in the blender
III.-This is the green pepper- cut it, slice it. and chop it And pit in the blenser
IV.-This is the jalapeño pepper- now slice it .and put in the blander
V.- This is the onion- Now chop it. And put in the blander
VI.-This is the Tomato- now chop it. and put in the blader
VII.-This is the lime, now cit it into wedges. squeeze the lime into the salsa
Add some black pepper and some salt for he  blend it up

Health Vocabulary

Health: I have good health, always like fruits and practice sports
Resultado de imagen para comer frutasResultado de imagen para practicar deporte

Medicine: I take medicine when I'm sick 

Resultado de imagen para tomando medicina

Wound: I go to the hospital when I have a very serious wound

Resultado de imagen para wound

Nurse: In the hospital there are nurses and doctors

Resultado de imagen para enfermera

Injerctions: My sister is afraid of injections

Resultado de imagen para miedo a las inyecciones

Prescription: I got a prescription for my illness

Resultado de imagen para receta medica dando a mama

Vaccine: Younger children don't like the vaccine

 Resultado de imagen para niños chicos con miedo a vacunas

Painful: Breaking a leg is very painful

Resultado de imagen para pierna rota

Doctor: There are many doctors in the hospital

Resultado de imagen para doctor

Blood: Vampires like blood

Resultado de imagen para vampiros

Bandages: You need bandages to protect your wound

Resultado de imagen para vendas

Plaster: My uncle has plaster on his leg because he had a bone fracture

Resultado de imagen para yeso en pierna

Crutch: The crutch serves to prevent you from falling

Resultado de imagen para muleta

WheelChairs: The handicapped use wheelchairs to move

Imagen relacionada

Pill: My grandpa takes his pills every day

Resultado de imagen para abuelo tomando pildoras

Hepatitis: Hepatitis is a liver disease

Resultado de imagen para hepatitis

Flu: They were already dead because of the flu

Resultado de imagen para gripe

Asthma: I bet you know a lot of people with asthma.

Resultado de imagen para asma

Chickenpox: They are the last survivors of a community annihilated by chickenpox.

Resultado de imagen para varicela

Hearth attack: The terrible news provoked a heart attack

Resultado de imagen para infarto

Post 3,4, 5 and 6

3)  Physical Characteristics                       The giant :    the giant was a very big man                 The Special kid : ...